How To Market Your Styling Business Without A Website

by | Jan 30, 2022 | Styling Business | 0 comments

A lot of Stylists think they absolutely must have a website to start promoting their Styling business.

Of course a website is a really good idea, and it’s good to get started on it.   Your website is your online “shop window” so of course you will want to have one at some point.

But a website can be either very expensive if you hire somebody to build it for you, or very time consuming if you decide to DIY it.

So while you work on your website in the background, you can still get out there and start attracting clients in the meantime.

Here are 7 ways to market your business without a website.

1.Social Media

If you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to start a social media account for your business. 

To make sure you choose the right social media platform, have a think about where your Ideal Client is most likely to be.  For instance if business people are your Ideal Client, then LinkedIn might be the best place to start. 

If you’re not sure where they are most likely to be, go and ask a few people who are your Ideal client.  You don’t want to spend a lot of time working to build up a following on a particular platform, only to find out later that is not where you’re most likely to find your best customers.

2. People You Know

The people you already know are the most likely people to be your first clients.

This is because you don’t have to spend a long time helping them to trust you enough to work with you.  They will already trust you and will probably want to help you succeed in your new business. 

So make sure you talk to everybody you see and interact with, about your new business.  And ask them if they would be interested in taking up one of your services.

3. Referrals

When you are talking to the people you know, you can always ask them if they know of anybody else who might be interested in one of your Styling services. 

People are usually very happy to refer friends and family to you to help you get your business started. 

Referrals are always a great source of new clients, so it’s great to get in the habit of asking for a referral when you are talking to people.

4. Facebook Business Page

Setting up a Facebook Business Page can be used to great effect to do the job of a website. 

You can have the details and prices of all your services listed on there, and include some information about you and your business. 

You can even direct people there to book in with you on your Facebook Business Page, so this can be a fab alternative to a website until your actual website is ready.

Desktop with notebook

5. Advertise Locally

People like to support local businesses, so put some thought into where you could advertise your business in your local area. 

Great places to start with are: local coffee shops; fashion boutiques; hair and beauty salons, school and nursery newsletters; community notice boards.

6. Local Facebook Groups

In most areas there are quite a few local community groups on Facebook. 

Most of them have a day a week, or a month where you can advertise your services for free. 

Make a list of all the local groups you can find and start advertising regularly. 

Consistency is definitely key here because people may not need your services the first time they see your advert, but keep doing it regularly and they’ll think of you first if they, or anyone they know, does need the services of a Stylist.

7. Business Networking

Various Business Networking groups run in a lot of towns and communities.  Have a look around and see what you can find. 

Again do make sure that the group is suited to your Ideal Client so you can ensure you are putting your time and energy into the right places.

Getting Started

My recommendation is to get started bringing in some income as soon as you can.  Revenue is the lifeblood of your business and the sooner you get started, the better.

My suggestion is to pick 2-3 of the ideas above and start putting them in place straight away so you can start the revenue ball rolling, and start realising your dreams!


What’s Next?

If you would like some more tips and tricks to help you grow a successful Styling Business, come and join my Facebook group, The Stylists Lounge. 

We have a fab community of Stylists where you can ask questions and get support to help you build your business.  ,We also have a Guest Expert every month to help you with an aspect of building your business.

You can join the group here:

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