My Rundown of the best outfits at Janet Murray’s latest live event.
I have just come back from a trip to exotic Northampton UK, where I was attending Janet Murray’s live event #2020sorted.
It was a fantastic few days, full of inspiration, motivation, excitement and a huge sense of community.
We started off with a meet-up of Andrew and Pete’s Atomic group which got the few days off to a fabulous start. I knew a few people already from online meetings but to meet people in real life was absolutely fab!
Then we had two days packed full of learning about online content, loads of ideas for how to do that on various platforms and space to start working on my own content plan for next year!
As a Stylist, I was obviously looking around at what people were wearing…I know I know! I couldn’t help myself!! And there were some fab outfits on show!
So I thought why not do a run down on the best dressed from the two days! So I started asking people if they would mind being featured in my blog post and everybody was absolutely thrilled to be asked!
I’m going to take you through some of the best outfits…in my humble opinion… I saw at the event and why I thought they were great.
Some of them are directly related to points made in my post How To Dress For A Conference, so do have a read of that alongside this post.
It wasn’t just the ladies either. We had some very dapper looking chaps at the conference, which was great to see.
In No Particular Order!
In true Strictly style, these are in no particular order! Everybody looked equally good but in different ways.
Ant McGinley
First up, Ant McGinley from Pods up North. I spotted Ant straight away in this very striking jacket. Jacket’s are great as they give a fab first impression that you take your business seriously. But Ant’s jacket also said that he doesn’t take himself too seriously!
You also have the advantage with a jacket that you can take it off and you’re instantly more casual for those times during the day when you just want to sit and have a casual chat with someone, maybe over lunch or coffee.

Rob and Kennedy
The other guys that caught my eye were Rob & Kennedy from Response Suite.
When I first talked to them over coffee they were both wearing a waistcoat with jeans and a shirt and I thought that the waistcoat might be their signature look. But when I talked to them they said that their signature look is that they always wear a 3 piece suit when they speak or perform…they are also comedians and performers.
A signature look is a great way of making sure people remember you and can be a part of your overall business brand. Of course Rob & Kennedy also have their amazing hair colour that also makes them stand out and memorable! Rob is the one with red hair and Kennedy with the white hair.
Definitely a great look and worthy of being on the best dressed list.
Sarah Clay
Somebody else who has taken a lot of time to carve out a memorable look for herself is Sarah Clay of Sarah Clay Social.
Sarah’s brand colours are purple and orange and she always dresses in purple and orange. These two colours are quite a bold combination but with Sarah’s personality, she carries it off beautifully.
Social Media is a creative industry so Sarah’s creative look is a great advert for her business.
So this is another way you can create for yourself a memorable brand and stand out from the crowd.

Janet Murray
Janet Murray, the host of the event, has taken her branding to another level, and even has her suitcase made specially with her branding on it! Every time I’ve seen Janet she always looks amazing and the suitcase is absolutely fab!
You certainly won’t find somebody else has gone off with your suitcase at the baggage claim if you follow Janet’s example and get one with your own branding on it.
Janet’s suitcase is from penelopehopestudio. You can find Janet at
May King Tsang
Another fab lady who like Sarah has created her own personal look to make sure people remember her is May King Tsang. May King is a FOMO creator so having a signature look is a great thing for her as people will easily remember her at events and associate her look with her business.
A hat is May Kings signature look! She always wears a hat!
I have met her a few times now and she has always been wearing a different hat…I would love to know how many she has in her full collection!
You can find May King @maykingtea. May King’s twitter account shows that she has made great use of her name in creating her brand. She uses a play on May King in lots of different ways to again make sure people remember her.

Jennifer Hamley
Jennifer Hamley of Jennifer Hamley made sure she stood out by her fab shoes! Jen looked so great that she’s on the best dressed list for both days of the event!
Day one she wore a fabulous green dress that also had a gorgeous velvety feel to it. So she had the added bonus that when you had a hug from her you also had a lovely surprise as her dress felt so nice. Jen’s shoes really made a stand as well, as they not only looked fabulous but she said you could hear her as well as see her, as they jangled when she walked!
On day two Jen was dressed more casually, but she had these fabulous sparkly shoes. This is a great way to get yourself noticed, but Jen balanced the look well with her more casual styling for the day. She told me the story behind the shoes as well. They are from Irregular Choice, but she covered them herself with these gorgeous rainbow sequins…a labour of love but well worth the effort!
Conference rooms can be notoriously difficult to judge temperature wise. So the other great thing about Jen’s outfit was her lovely shawl could be taken off very easily if she got too hot, and put back on when the air conditioning kicked back in and she cooled down again.
This is something to bear in mind when you attend a conference as you just never know what the temperature will be in a big room. I attended Janet’s summer conference this year on one of the hottest days of the year, and yet I wore a jacket most of the day as the air conditioning kept the room quite cool.
There was quite a bit of animal print in the room, which is no surprise as it is still very on trend. Jumpsuits are also very on trend right now, and there were two fabulous jumpsuits being worn.
Natalie Lue
Natalie Lue of Baggage Reclaim, was one of the speakers at the conference and she looked amazing and very memorable in her fabulous teal jumpsuit.

Claire Gleave
Another fab jumpsuit was worn by Claire Gleave of Trainers and Toddlers. Claire told me the story of her jumpsuit. She lives quite close to the conference venue and so had planned on going home rather than staying at the hotel.
However there was a lot of flooding and so it seemed far more sensible to stay than try battling the elements. So she and her stylist friend Beth Campagna went for a quick shopping trip to Next to buy something to wear for the second day. Beth persuaded her that the jumpsuit looked amazing and I have to say I agree!
Eve Webster
I first met and chatted with Eve Webster of Zippy Social Media over dinner on the first evening. Being a business event we obviously got chatting about what all of our businesses were. When I said I was a Personal Stylist, Eve said that she thought she might be in need of my services as she didn’t really have a clue.
So it was lovely to see her looking so stylish in her fab zebra print dress, which she paired beautifully with a sweater and fab boots! Eve then told me that the dress was a bargain at £15 in the M&S sale which just goes to prove you don’t have to spend a fortune to look amazing!

Hannah Otto
Hannah Otto of The Otto House, was one of the spotlight speakers at the event. Hannah looked amazing in an H&M dress which again looked absolutely fab! I absolutely love how Hannah paired her dress with white sneakers, such a cool and on-trend look.
Samantha Boffin
I saw and chatted to Samantha Boffin of Samantha Boffin over all three days and she looked very stylish every day.
This fabulous red dress with it’s very striking black trim certainly made her stand out, and her style overall made her very memorable.

Kerry Jordan
Kerry Jordan of Fur and Fables was another spotlight speaker for the event, and I know she was quite nervous at speaking in front of such a big crowd. This lovely dress was a great choice for her speaking gig. With its fab white spots on a black background it certainly helped keep attention on her when she was at the front.
The belt around her waist emphasised her lovely silhouette and those fab shoes with the gorgeous orange laces also made her stand out.
Your talk was fab as well Kerry…well done! Very inspiring and I know gave people a lot to think about!
Bella Vasta
Bella Vasta of Bella Vasta, had flown all the way from the US to speak at the event and it was fab to have her.
An animal print high/low top paired with black leggings, black top and gorgeous patent heels, was Bella’s amazing outfit. She looked absolutely stunning and it was definitely very memorable!

Sarah Mulcare
Sarah Mulcare of Sarah Mulcare was wearing the most fabulous Hobbs dress which she had bought specially for the event.
Since Sarah has been working for herself she has been living mainly in Jeans and T.shirts, so when Janet asked her to speak at her event, she had a bit of a panic about what to wear! She had also put on a bit of weight as a result of some health issues, and had gone up a couple of dress sizes. So it took days and days to find an outfit she felt confident in!
Sarah finally found this dress in Hobbs at Bluewater the weekend before the event, just as she’d almost given up! The staff at Hobbs gave her the best customer service she had ever experienced whilst out shopping and made sure she looked and felt great, which I’m sure you’ll agree she does!
(Sarah gave me her full permission to share her story)
This dress is such a beautiful classic shape and so flattering. I particularly love how the dress has a harmonious coloured trim around the waist and the hem. The trim at the waist shows off Sarah’s waist and gives her a fabulous silhouette. Gorgeous!
Catherine Berry
Catherine Berry of Entirely Catherine Photography was the official photographer for the event.
To do her job with ease, Catherine obviously needed to dress for comfort more than style. However I think Catherine looked amazing in her yellow top and yellow sneakers, and I do like a bit of colour co-ordination.
This was the perfect outfit for being able to walk around all day taking photos, and have all her photography equipment on her person easily, but she still looked great!
A fantastic advert for her own brand.

Amy Caiger
This is the lovely Amy Caiger, from Amy Caiger, who I had had the pleasure of meeting earlier the week of the conference, via a video call. Amy had given some very valuable advice about nailing down my niche. So it was absolutely lovely to meet her in real life!
Amy told me that she gets cold very easily, especially when she’s in a room with air conditioning. So she chose this sweater as it is really warm, and she could wear layers underneath…in fact she wore two layers underneath the jumper so she was lovely and cosy!
Plus, as Amy says, its very sparkly and who doesn’t love a bit of sparkle! I’m right there with you Amy!
Pete Gartland
And last, but by no means least, we have Pete Gartland, one half of the amazing Andrew & Pete, from Andrew and Pete.
Pete was wearing an amazing t.shirt made specially for him by axznt.
This was branding taken to another level and it looked absolutely brilliant on Pete! He certainly stood out. A perfect way to emphasise his brand and was very appropriate on the day he and Andrew were leading a meet up of their group Atomic.

So there you have it, a quick rundown of my Best Dressed from #2020sorted. To get involved with next years event #2021Sorted, you can find out more at
If you want to know about how you can stand out and be memorable at the next event you attend, then see my blog post How To Dress For A Conference.
In the meantime I’d love to know your thoughts on these and other ways you can make sure people remember you and your brand.
Do you have any great stories. Do leave a comment below, as I’d love to hear.