by Tracy Hooper | Apr 17, 2022 | Business Style, Personal Style
Are you thinking of working with a Personal Stylist? Maybe you’re looking to be more visible in your business and you want some help and support to get you there? If that’s the case, working with a Stylist could be really helpful. BUT, my services might...
by Tracy Hooper | Jan 23, 2022 | Business Style
First Impressions matter. What you wear in a work or business context, can change the way others perceive you and therefore affect the outcome of the meeting or event. Therefore paying attention to what you wear in business si vital. You want to reflect your...
by Tracy Hooper | Nov 21, 2019 | Business Style, Events
My Rundown of the best outfits at Janet Murray’s latest live event. I have just come back from a trip to exotic Northampton UK, where I was attending Janet Murray’s live event #2020sorted. It was a fantastic few days, full of inspiration, motivation, excitement and a...