How To Look As Stylish As Meghan Post Baby

by | May 9, 2019 | Personal Style | 0 comments

Meghan: Post Baby Style

So he’s finally here!

The baby boy the world has been waiting for!  And now Meghan and Harry have shown him off to the world.

But as well as all eyes being on the baby, we were all waiting with baited breath to see what Meghan would wear!  This is her first public appearance since giving birth so it was really important!  And she didn’t disappoint!

Looking amazing, as she always does, in a white shirt dress, she made no pretence of the fact that she still has a Mummy tum!  I for one, applaud her for that, as it makes it OK for the rest of the world to not be back in normal sized jeans, two days after giving birth!

But how can you and I, mere mortals, look that stylish a couple of days after having a baby?


My Five Top Tips For Looking Stylish Post Baby

Well, I’ve put together some styles that I think will achieve exactly that!
If you want to go straight to the Lookbook:

There will of course be the all important visitors arriving, and you’ll want to look your best. You’ll be pleased to know the sky scraper heels are not part of the deal! Comfort is key so here a few things to bear in mind:


  1. Don’t try to get back into your pre-pregnancy clothes

This is probably the most obvious, but it’s worth saying. It’s highly unlikely they will fit, but they will make you feel depressed that although you’ve suddenly lost a lot of weight, you’re not back to where you were before you were pregnant.


2. You don’t have to wear a tent!

Nobody feels good in something that’s so baggy, small children could camp out in it!  Just go for loose fitting pieces, but with no fitted waistlines.  Meghan’s post baby choice was a shirtdress, which is an excellent option.

Make sure if you go for a shirt dress, that the belt is not permanently attached to the dress, as you will need to tie it loosely under the bust, rather than on the natural waistline.  The other great advantage with the shirtdress, is that it is easy to wear if you are feeding your baby, without having to get completely undressed!


3. Think through your clothing beforehand if you are planning on feeding.

You don’t want to have to go and sit in a different room to feed and not enjoy your visitors. So make sure you can easily adjust your clothing to feed without having to take everything off. Tops that you can pull up, or shirts or dresses that button up are easiest.  You may want to have a muslin or feeding cape handy to protect your modesty. Then if baby does want a feed just when your visitors are there, you won’t feel uncomfortable.


4. Tunics and loose fitting shirts can be a great option

However, make sure you wear them with leggings rather than jeans.  Jeans will just make you feel uncomfortable, and it is so important at this very early stage, to give your body room to breathe and not be worried about whether you can still eat with a tight waistband.

5. You may well find you get hot easily

This can especially be true if you are surrounded by people all watching your first attempts at caring for your baby!  Wear loose fitting garments, but have a cardy handy in case you feel a little chilly.

The Lookbook

So there’s my top five tips for looking as stylish as Meghan post baby.  I’ve picked our some pieces and put together an inspirational Lookbook to give you some ideas,

And most important of all, look after you and enjoy your baby!


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