Why Skin Tone Is So Important In Finding Your Best Colours
The most important factor to look at is your skin tone. Skin tone is genetically inherited and has the biggest impact on the colours you wear. Natural hair colour is a part of the puzzle, but is unreliable as the main factor to base your best colours on, as…certainly as women…we can change our hair colour regularly. Skin tone never changes.
The other things that help us determine our best colours are eye colour, hair colour and personality…yes, your personality does have an effect on your best colours!
This is quite a meaty subject so I’m going to break it down into four parts.
In this post I’m going to focus on why skin tone matters.
In Part 2, I’m going to look at the warm and cool tones, and the four seasons.
Part 3 will cover skin tone, eye colour, hair colour and personality.
And finally in part 4 I’ll look at seasonal characteristics
So let’s dive in!
Why Does Colour Matter?
First things first…why does it matter to know and wear your best colours?
Well there are a few very good reasons!
Wearing your best colours will ensure you always look great, as your best colours will be the most flattering for you to wear and will light up your face.
Secondly, knowing your best colours will make shopping easier as you can dismiss a good proportion of any shop and go straight for the colours you know will work for you.
It will also save you money as you will only buy things that look good on you and not waste money on items you never wear because they just don’t really work for you.
If you only buy colours that look great on you, your wardrobe will all coordinate, making it much easier to put outfits together as everything will harmonise beautifully.
Finally you will look younger and slimmer, and will feel much more energised and alive…what’s not to love about that!

Why Difference Does Colour Make?
So, what exactly do the right colours do for you?
There are a number of things that can happen to your skin when you are wearing your best colours next to your face. These include:
- Your complexion will look even and healthy, you may well see a healthy glow to your skin.
- Blemishes and redness will reduce in appearance.
- Any dark circles under your eyes will appear less obvious.
- Any fine lines and wrinkles will appear reduced.
- Your eyes will sparkle, and it may even look like you have eye make-up on, even if you don’t.
The best colours for you will harmonise with and complement your skin tone.
The colours you wear should not detract from you or take centre stage…in other words your colours should not wear you!
On the other hand, a colour should not make you appear invisible. You want them to show you off, not make you disappear..
We want to find the colours that light you up, make you look your best and always make you the focal point!
It’s Not Just How You Look!
So far we’ve talked about the difference the right colours make to how you look.
But what about how you feel? Does wearing the right colours make you feel any different?
Let me answer that by telling you a little bit of my story.
After the birth of my third child, I went into a very deep depression. So deep in fact that I was hospitalised for 6 weeks…I did take the baby with me fortunately, but it was a pretty rough time.
It took quite a while to climb out of that and the road to recovery was not straightforward. I had lots of professionals trying to help me, but they all seemed to want me to talk and I was quite frustrated because I didn’t have any answers! I wanted them to tell me how to get better.
Eventually a friend took me to see a Personal Stylist and she did my colours for me. Now I can’t pretend it was an overnight cure but having my colours done started to turn things around for me.
I began to feel much more confident when I went out, whereas before I had been wearing dark baggy clothing to try and hide myself. I started to wear the colours that suited me, and it made me feel so different.
I also started to get compliments from other people about the way I looked, which further boosted my confidence.
Slowly, slowly, I started to feel like myself again. I started to feel good about myself and to stop feeling like I wanted to hide.
So, my personal experience, (and I know that of many of my clients), is that colour can completely change the way you feel for the better.
What About Ageing?
This is one of the questions I am asked most often! As we age, do we need to change the colours we wear?
A lot of people believe that as we age and our hair changes colour to naturally cool greys or white, we need to change the colours of clothing we wear to tie in with it.
I believe, and my experience working with clients over the last twelve years has borne this out, that this is not necessary.
When we use our inherited skin tone as the basis for deciding which colours suit us best, those colours are right for us for life, as our skin tone never changes.
We may find, as we age, that we prefer to wear slightly lighter and less bright tones of those colours, but even that is not necessarily the case.
Think of somebody like Mary Berry. She is 85 at the time of writing, but she looks absolutely amazing in her bright Spring colours and hasn’t toned down her colours as she has aged.
If you want to stay harmonised with your hair, skin tone and seasonal colours, women with a warm skin tone can continue to have some warmth put into their hair as it greys to make sure they stay in harmony.
Women with a cool skin tone will find their hair naturally harmonises with their cool skin tone as they age and so everything will still work together.
Congratulations! You now understand the basics of Colour Analysis and the benefits of it.
The next step on our colourful journey of discovery is to look at warm and cool tones and the four seasons.
To read the next step on our colourful journey, click the arrow at the bottom of this post!
In the meantime, if you would like to know your best colours, you can book in for a Colour Analysis Session using the button below.
The Colour Analysis is done online. After clicking this button, you will be taken to my online calendar to book a slot in my diary, and then taken to Paypal to pay $250 to confirm the booking. All the details will then be emailed to you.
Until next time…