If you’ve spent any time on my website, you may have noticed my Dream Wardrobe Intensive service, on my Work With Me page.
It’s primarily aimed at businesswomen who have achieved a degree of success in their business, and now want to make sure their style or look is aligned to where they are currently in their business.
I understand that the Dream Wardrobe Intensive is an investment of time and money, and I also understand that there are other services out there that deliver similar results.
So I’ve created this blog post to help you understand everything you need to know before purchasing.
I want you to make the right choice for you and your business. So this article is an unbiased look at my Dream Wardrobe Intensive, to make sure it’s right for you.
What is the Dream Wardrobe Intensive?
My Dream Wardrobe Intensive is a period of time we spend working together on everything you need for your business wardrobe.
It’s usually for three months, and by the end of our time together, you will have a business wardrobe that will help you achieve your business goals over the next 6-12 months.
Why did I create my Dream Wardrobe Intensive?
For the first few years in my Styling business, I offered a range of options based on the usual four services that most Stylists offer:
- Colour Analysis
- Style or Body Shape Analysis
- Wardrobe Edit
- Personal Shopping.
And these four, plus VIP options and some one-offs seemed to work quite well to start with.
But after a while, I began to not feel so good about them.
The trouble with offering one-off services, in my opinion, is that the service usually lasts about 2 hours, and in that time I want to give you as much information as I can to make sure you get excellent value for money.
But that is a lot of information, and what I found was that it was too much information for most people. If you’re anything like me, I find that if I am given too much information I can tend to feel overwhelmed, and the result of that is that I end up not actually putting any of it into practice.
I saw this repeatedly with the clients I had worked with, that they just weren’t able to implement the information I had given them, and when I asked it was because it was all too much in one go. They, therefore, didn’t know where to start to actually make any changes.
So I set out to do things differently. I wanted to make my service more of a hand-holding service where I walked alongside my clients as they made the necessary changes. That way I could teach them new things in a step-by-step manner rather than throwing it all at them in one go!
I decided on a three-month programme as that was enough time to help them achieve their goals and see a real transformation.
And so, my Dream Wardrobe Intensive was born, as a way for me to work intensively with a client for a relatively short period of time, and for her to come away at the end of it with the business wardrobe of her dreams.
What’s Included In The Dream Wardrobe Intensive?
There are a number of different aspects of the Dream wardrobe Intensive, that all come together to ensure there is real transformation for you and your wardrobe by the end of our time together:
- The Discovery Phase
- The Review Phase
- The Elevate Phase
- A Look At Accessories
- The Manage and Maintain Phase.
Let’s look at each of these in a bit more detail.
This is where I find out all about your, your current style, your business, and your wardrobe needs. Once I have all of the information I need, we can get stuck in to the fun bit of working out your new style! This phase usually only takes a couple of weeks.
During this phase of the process, we take an in-depth look at what you currently have in your wardrobe. With this information, we can start to think about how much of a gap there is between your current style and the pieces you own already, and where you would ideally like to be when you have your dream business wardrobe.
We can then make a plan for the rest of our time working together, dependent on how much we need to do in order to achieve your goals.
In this stage of the programme, we are going to start to make the changes needed to elevate your look, your style and your wardrobe. This is the really fun part where we can actually see some progress and things starting to change.
Once we have a base for your new wardrobe, we have a look at the accessories you already have and what you need to complete your new wardrobe. This includes, shoes, bags, jewellery, scarves, hair accessories and anything else you might want to include to show your personality through your clothing.
Manage and Maintain.
I want to leave you at the end of our work together, with a solid plan for keeping up the good work we have achieved so far. This could include things like practically how to organise your wardrobe, putting a monthly or quarterly review in place to ensure you are staying on track, or even a check-in with me on a regular basis to ensure things are going to plan.
What Problems Does My Dream Wardrobe Intensive Solve?
My Dream Wardrobe Intensive is ideal for any businesswoman who wants to elevate her business wardrobe so that she can achieve her business goals. However, there are some specific problems that it addresses:
Needing New Brand Photographs
A lot of the businesswomen I speak to are still using the same two photos for any business or media that they have used for the past 4 or 5 years. Ideally, any of us in business should update our brand photos every 2 years.
One of the reasons people put off having new photos done is because they are unsure what to wear. This service is ideal for building your confidence in knowing exactly what to wear that will represent you well in your photos and give the right message about your business to your audience.
Aligning Their Look With Their Business
It’s very easy to spend a few years concentrating on building your business to a good level of success and then realise that you haven’t paid much attention to your wardrobe or your style during that time.
You are now at a completely different level of business than you were a few years ago and certainly different from where you were when you started. The look you had a few years ago is no longer representative of the level of business you are at now.
This service will help to elevate your wardrobe to align with your current level of business and even to the next level of business you are aiming for.
How Much Does My Dream Wardrobe Intensive Cost?
The investment for the Dream Wardrobe Intensive is currently $3,000. Payment plans are available.
Why Is The Cost $3,000?
On first look, my Dream Wardrobe Intensive seems more expensive than buying the four individual services separately from another Stylist.
However, this is not just delivering the services and then leaving you to figure out how to implement it all yourself.
As stated earlier, I walk alongside you, holding your hand through the entire process.
We will have a zoom call every other week, during the three months. You will also have access to me via Voxer…a messaging app…throughout the entire time. That way you can be assured you are my top priority while we are working together on this programme. So you will never have to wait too long for an answer to any of your style or wardrobe-related questions.
I will make sure you understand why I am suggesting certain things, and ensure you are equipped to carry on the good work, long after we finish our three-month programme.
Not only will we look at all the practical aspects of creating your new business wardrobe and style, but we will also spend time looking at the mindset side of things.
I want to leave you not only looking good, but feeling so much more self-confident as a result. This will mean that showing up for your business and being more visible, will be so much easier for you.
Is There A Refund Policy?
I do my absolute best to ensure you are completely happy with the service you receive.
However, if for any reason you are unhappy during the first month, you will be entitled to a refund of the full amount paid, minus a pro-rata amount for the time already spent. Please email me in the first instance if you want to discuss anything you are unhappy with.
Who Is This Service For?
The Dream Wardrobe Intensive is not for everyone, and I only want you to invest in it if it’s right for you.
This is for you IF:
- You are a businesswoman who has achieved a degree of success already.
- You know it’s time for your wardrobe and image to catch up with the success of your business.
- You need some new brand photos but don’t know what to wear.
- You want to make a good First Impression in all your business meetings and events.
- You’re tired of always feeling slightly uncomfortable whenever you show up for your business.
- You know you need some new clothes but don’t want to waste money on the wrong pieces.
- You want to feel proud of who you are.
- You want to be able to focus on the job at hand, and not worry about your clothes.
Who Is This Not For?
The Dream Wardrobe Intensive is NOT for you if:
- You have only just started your business.
- You’re happy with your look and don’t want to make any changes.
- You feel totally confident every time you show up for your business.
- You love your current wardrobe and don’t think there’s anything that could be done to improve it.
- Your wardrobe already has everything you need for every business event that may come your way.
How Long Will It Take To Go Through The Dream Wardrobe Intensive?
This is a three-month programme.
During the three months, we will have a video call for an hour every other week.
There will be other things you will need to do in between sessions. This will take at the most an hour a week, but probably significantly less.
There may also be some time spent messaging via Voxer. This will be led by you and will also be fitted around your business and lifestyle.
What Will I Need To Get Started?
There are a few things that would be extremely helpful to get started with this programme:
- An open mind about the possibilities.
- A willingness to try new things.
- A willing helper who can take some photos of you.
- Access to the messaging app Voxer…I can help you download this if you don’t already have it.
- A small amount of time each week to implement some of the things we talk about…max around 1 hour per week.
Who Is Your Stylist/Coach?
This is a one-to-one service with me, Tracy.
I don’t outsource any of my client work, so you can be assured you will always be dealing with me, and not with another Stylist that you don’t know.

How Do I Access The Dream Wardrobe Intensive?
Once we have agreed and confirmed that we will work together on your wardrobe and style, you will receive an email from me giving you all the details of how to get started.
This will include:
- A couple of questionnaires so I can find out a bit more about you and your style needs
- A link to book your first two style appointments in our first month together
- Details of how to download the Voxer app and connect with me.
What Results Can I Expect?
Rather than me listing all the results you can expect over our three months together, I thought it might help to hear from a couple of my clients, who have already been through my Dream Wardrobe Intensive.
Jessica’s testimonial
How Do I Sign Up?
Working with somebody in quite a close way over a period of time involves quite a lot of time spent together. So I believe we need to speak to make sure we are a good fit for each other.
Book a free call with me here, so we can get to know each other a little and ensure that we will enjoy working together.
And there you have it…everything you need to know about my Dream Wardrobe Intensive.
I hope this has been helpful and I look forward to chatting with you to ensure we will enjoy working together.