Do you need help with getting ready for your big day out at
The Races?

- You’re struggling to find the perfect Race Day outfit.
- You don’t know what is right for the occasion…you don’t want to be too dressy, but on the other hand, what’s dressy enough?
- You’re feeling very stressed because time is running out.
- You hate shopping and don’t know where to look for an outfit that is going to make you feel amazing.
- You’ve seen some things you like but don’t know if they’re right for you.
- You’ve found a dress but haven’t bought it because you don’t know how to accessorise it.
- You don’t want to spend the equivalent of a small mortgage on a dress, only for it to sit in the wardrobe for the next 10 years!
- If you’re going to fork out for an expensive frock, you would want to make sure it can be worn again for other occasions, just by accessorising it differently…maybe a party or special dinner?
Who wants to be running around like a headless chicken, trying to make do with what you’ve got, stressed because you’re running out of time? You eventually end up running out of the front door, just about dressed but feeling a mess and knowing that you’re going to want to hide all day as you don’t want to be seen in what you’re wearing.
I don’t want you to be stressed and exhausted before you even leave the house!
You’ve even got a bag ready to go with all the extras that you may need to make your day go really well…your tickets, spare shoes in case your feet hurt in your heels, and wellies and a brolly in case it rains! It’s all ready and waiting so you have no stress on the morning of your lovely day out.
Hi, I'm Tracy
and I can help you have a stress-free race day!
I used to lack confidence so much that at one time I avoided going out of the house because I felt like I looked so awful that people would be looking at me and talking about me and judging me…it was horrid! So if I did venture out, I would wear dark baggy clothes so that I would disappear into the background and hope that nobody would notice me…and that was just to go and buy groceries! The idea of going to a posh event was unthinkable!
Then I sought the help of an Image Consultant who helped me to see which colours and styles of clothing looked best on me. She also helped me enormously by showing me that when I wore the clothes that were right for me, I would feel so much better and so much more confident.
Now I specialise in helping other women experience the same transformation I had. Yes it makes a huge difference to how they look, but the important thing for me is that they feel so much more confident, attractive and sometimes even sexy!
I can help you go to your Race Day Event looking and feeling amazing!
My passion is for you to feel confident, that you look amazing, that you are dressed appropriately for the day and that you can go out worry and stress free!
getting the perfect outfit together for you, then my
How To Win In The Style Stakes!
What does my Special Events Package Include?
However, by the end of our work together we will have:
- Found an outfit you will look great in for your day out.
- Found all the accessories you need to make your outfit complete.
- Done a shopping trip, either in person or online, for us to find out what styles work best for you.
- Discussed nail colours and make-up and I will have made some suggestions for you to go with your outfit.
I will also give you a checklist of other things to think about to make your day perfect.
I am passionate about making sure you have THE perfect outfit for your day at The Races.
it may include any or all of the following:
- A detailed questionnaire, to help me find out a bit more about you and your requirements.
- A shopping trip to a mutually convenient shopping centre.
- Follow-up after the shopping trip with online research and shopping.
- All accessories, including shoes, bags, hat, jewellery, nails and make-up.
But you don't just have to take my word for it!
This is what one of my lovely clients had to say:
Book in for my Special Events Package and we’ll have you going to your Race Day occasion feeling amazing!
This package is for you if:
- You’re stressed and worried about finding the perfect outfit for your event
- Knowing where to begin to look is overwhelming
- The day is fast approaching
- Somebody to take control and take the stress away would be a dream right now
- You’re committed to helping as much as you can
- If somebody else was making all the decisions, you could find time to go shopping, or try on clothes after an online shop, to help the process along
This package is not for you if:
- You don’t have any time to go shopping for an outfit in person, or spend some time trying clothes on if we shop online.
- You can’t commit to helping with the process
- There is less than a week until your event
- Finding an outfit for your special event
- Finding all the accessories you will need for your event
- Going for a shopping trip to a mutually convenient shopping centre, or me doing an online shop
for you and us scheduling a time when we can have a look at the outfits via Skype - Follow-up online shopping to find anything we did find during the shopping trip
- Advice on nail colour and make-up.
What the package doesn’t include:
- Anything bought either in person during our shopping trip, or online, for your outfit.
How To Win In The Style Stakes!
Don’t delay another day though!
Your event is fast approaching and the sooner we get started, the sooner you can be rid of the stress and anxiety you are feeling now!
Let me take the worry for you and find you the perfect outfit so you can look and feel amazing for your day out at The Races.