The Video Styling Programme for professional women and female business owners who want to stand out, look great and make an impact in their virtual meetings!

Can You Imagine….


…Opening your wardrobe doors to get dressed for a virtual business meeting, and everything in that wardrobe is something you love.  Every item looks amazing on you and gives you confidence that you will make an impact in the meeting. Choosing your video outfit is effortless and you show up with confidence for your business or career and make a great first impression.

Have you ever admired a business woman or entrepreneur because she always looks so sharp and stylish?

Do you think those women have a natural ability to just put outfits together without any effort?

Would you like to feel like the best, most confident version of yourself, so you can stand out in your virtual meeting, and make more sales in your business?

What you really want is a wardrobe that has been curated for you for video, so that every item perfectly shows off who you are.  A wardrobe that shows what your business is about without you even having to speak. A wardrobe that is ready and waiting for any and every business event you need to show up for.

I can help you by curating a wardrobe for video that will:


Showcase your business through the clothes you wear.

 Enable you to dress so that you feel amazing every day in your virtual meetings.

 Use tops and accessories that you already own, as well as any new pieces you may need to create 25 plus combinations that will always look great on you.

 Enable you to show up as the best version of yourself.

 Make sure you stand out in your virtual meetings whether your role is attending, leading or presenting.

Hi, I’m Tracy and I am passionate about helping women feel confident in the way they look, so they can go out and achieve everything they dream of in life and business.


There was a time when I didn’t feel amazing.  In fact I had such low self-confidence and self-esteem that I had taken to wearing dark, baggy clothing to make myself as inconspicuous as possible.  I hated when people were looking at me as I felt they were judging me, and I wanted to disappear.


I had quite a few people trying to help me recover, but the thing that made the biggest difference was a friend taking me to see a Personal Stylist.  The Stylist showed me the colours and styles of clothes that would suit my body shape and personality. And slowly, slowly I started to feel better. I started being able to go out with my head held high and not feel so self-conscious when people were looking at me.

Since that time, I wanted to help other women in the same way I had been helped.   So I trained to be a Stylist myself. I then realised I needed to get out there and be visible in order to grow my business, so I used my skills on myself to work out a style that not only looked good on me, but also made a great first impression of my business when I was meeting people, either in person or online.


So I really do understand how debilitating it can be to lack confidence in the way you look, and also the struggle to pull together a look that works for you and makes a great impression in any meeting.  


The thing I love most now in my work as a Stylist is pulling all of this together and creating looks for my clients that give them the confidence to go out and stand out in their career, business or industry, in order that they can achieve all of their business and career goals.

So what’s included in my Dream Video Wardrobe Programme?

Step 1 – Discover


This is all about information gathering. 

I will ask you to fill out a couple of questionnaires, so that I can find out as much as I can about you, your face shape, your personality, your business and your video wardrobe needs.


Step 2 – Review


We will arrange a video call to go through your questionnaire and we can chat everything through.  I want to make sure I know as much as I can about you and your style needs so we can start work on your Dream Video Wardrobe.

We will also, during that call, have a look at any items you already own, that will work well for you in your Dream Video Wardrobe.


Step 3 – Enhance


Now that I know all about you and your video style needs, and I know what you already own, I will do an online shop to find any additional items you may need to make your Dream Video Wardrobe work well for you.

I don’t actually go and buy the items. I just scour the internet for you to find the perfect items to suit you, your personality and your business needs. You are not obliged to buy anything, it is entirely up to whether you buy or not, and how many items you’d like.

I will present my shopping to you inside your MyStyle platform, which is where the magic happens!    You can purchase any item you choose directly from inside MyStyle, with one click that takes you straight through to the store.

I will make sure I shop from stores within your country so you don’t have to worry about exessive shipping costs or import duties. 

Step 4 – Accessorise


This is the really fun step!

Pulling together the items you already own, together with any new purchases, I will work with 5 tops, 2-3 cardigans or jackets, necklaces, scarves and earrings, to create 25 plus looks that will always work for you.

These looks will be in your LookBook in your MyStyle app, so you have easy reference to them anytime.

This means you can easily plan your look the evening before, or if you are in a hurry in the morning.  A quick look at your MyStyle app will enable you to dress, stress-free, and know you look amazing!

Step 5 – Manage


 I will show you how to manage your Dream Video Wardrobe going forward, so that you stay current, your wardrobe stays organised, and you always look and feel your best for all of your virtual meetings.




Bonus #1  –  A follow-up Zoom call when we have put your Dream Video Wardrobe together, to make sure you are happy with everything and know how to keep your Dream Video Wardrobe current and organised going forward beyond our work together


Bonus #2. –  My PDF guide “Clothe Yourself In Confidence” which tells you how to wear the right colours depending on  the message you want your audience. to receive.


Bonus #3  –  My Playbook, 5 Steps To A Brand Ready Wardrobe, which will help you curate a wardrobe that ensures you will always make a great first impression.


So What’s The Investment for The Dream Video Wardrobe Programme?

The total investment is $399.


Ready to Join?


Click the button below to get started with creating your Dream Video Wardrobe!

I hadn’t realised that although my wardrobe wasn’t full of anything other than clothes or shoes, it wasn’t in any kind of order. There were clothes I hadn’t seen in years and things I’d kept which ‘one day’ may work for me again or perhaps never had.

Tracy is a wonder at helping to organise both your wardrobe and your mindset when approaching what to wear. She helped me get clearer on suitable colours, necklines, how to accessorise and most importantly for me, how to dress for video to meet the right tone.

I work with a mixture of people and I need something to grab quickly but look great. Her app for organising your ‘looks’ is great and I now definitely think more about the shapes of clothes which complement my face than I did before. Thank you Tracy, super service!

Katherine Allan

Consultant, UK

This All Sounds Great But…

If you go through my wardrobe are you going to ask me to throw everything away?

No I’m most definitely not.  I’m very aware of sustainable fashion, and my primary aim will be to use as much of your current wardrobe as we can.  There’s a lot we can do just by restyling and accessorising the garments you already have, so we don’t need to throw things away.


What happens if I'm too far away for us to meet? Can we do the whole programme online?

Yes we can.  I have taken a lot of time to refine my services so we can do the whole thing online.  It actually works really well and my clients enjoy the process. I have adapted my face to face services over a period of years in order to ensure it works really well online.


I don't like being on video. Will I have to show you all my clothes on video?

Yes I will need to see you in your clothing via video.  But don’t worry, I know how tricky this is to start with, and most of my clients find they feel comfortable very quickly.  I will talk you through the whole thing, and ease you in gradually so you get more comfortable with it over the time we work together.


What happens after I have paid?

When you have decided you would like to go ahead with the Dream Video Wardrobe Service, you will click the button that says “Yes Please! I want a Dream Video Wardrobe” and it will take you to the payment page. You will then fill in your details and it will take you to PayPal to complete your purchase. Don’t worry if you don’t have a PayPal account, you can complete the process as a guest. After that you will receive an email from me with links to the questionnaires I need you to fill in prior to our first call, and a link to my calendar so you can book your first call in.

I don't have much time to go shopping and find the items you've suggested.

Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to go out and find the items for yourself.  Using the MyStyle platform, I will do the searching for you and put all the items in the Finds section of your MyStyle profile.  You can then purchase anything you like with just one click straight through to the store.  

I have quite a busy life. Is this going to take a lot of my time to do my part of the process?

The reason I’ve broken it down as I have is to make it as easy for you as possible.  I understand busy lives and we will work together to make sure it is an enjoyable process rather than being overwhelming.


What if I have a busy week and can't keep up with the scheduled programme?

Don’t worry, the schedule is just a guideline to keep us on track.  I am flexible and will work with you and your timetable as much as I can.  There is scope in the programme to do more one week and less another.


Do I have to buy everything you find for me?

No, definitely not.  You are free to purchase as much or as little as you want to.  I never want to put any of my clients under pressure to buy anything, and definitely advocate only spending what you’re comfortable with spending.  


How many outfits will you put together for me?

I aim to create at least 25 looks for you for your virtual business meetings.  These will be made up from items you already own, plus some of the new pieces I find for you.  You may wish to purchase some items immediately and some later on, but I will make sure you have the ability to have at least 25 looks by the end of our work together.


Will you help me to sort my wardrobe out in an organised way?

Yes, I will give you guidelines on putting your new wardrobe together in a way that will make it easy for you to see what you’ve got and make getting dressed in the morning as simple and stress-free as possible.


Those women that you have admired in the past who always look so sharp and stylish?

A lot of those women have probably worked with a Stylist themselves in order to look the way they do.

You could be one of them.  You could be the woman that other women are admiring and thinking look so stylish.

You could have that dream video wardrobe, that has everything you need for every virtual business meeting you need to attend.

You could feel like the best version of yourself, every time you have to show up.

You could make an impact in your online meetings.

To get started now on your Dream Video Wardrove, click the button below. 


So What’s The Investment for The Dream Video Wardrobe Programme?

The total investment is $399


Ready to Join?


Click the button below to get started with creating your Dream Video Wardrobe!

Clothe Yourself In Confidence Guide

What the colours you wear say about your business.

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