Getting dressed shouldn’t be this hard!

You need photos taken for your website, but don’t have a clue what you should wear…

You’re so used to working from home in sweatpants or pjs that a business event invite fills you with dread and panic…

Professional engagements a major source of stress because you haven’t got a clue how to pick an outfit that will suit you…


I can help you gain the confidence you need to get more visible and take your rightful place in the world!
The polished, professional and authentic version of yourself is waiting to get out.   With my help, you can discover the confident person you were always meant to be so that you can uplevel your business or career and make a real difference in the world.

That’s what I love to do, and I’ve already helped business women from different industries, to find the best version of themselves.

But I don’t do it alone. Your input is just as important as mine. I am not interested in slotting you into a preconceived box.  Instead, together we’ll create a look that is 100% you.


There are 3 main ways we can work together:
# 1 – Colour Styling for Business

Let's make you your own Personal Brand with my Colour Styling for Business

Wearing the colours that suit you best makes a massive difference to your appearance!

You will instantly look younger, slimmer and more in harmony with yourself and therefore make a greater first impression in any business situation. This is the best first step in your transformation as it’s probably the thing that people around you will notice the most!

We then need to find out a bit more about your personality, because we want you to not only wear the best colours for you, but in the best way to show and express your personality and show off your business.

This is a 2 hour, total pamper time, looking at your skin tone, your eye colours and patterns, your personality and a full colour draping.   I will also do a full make-up for you, in your new colours and in a style that will fit in with your business and lifestyle, and I will teach you how to replicate the make-up yourself at home.  Finally I will give you lots of advice on how to get started with your new colours and how to best express your personality and show off your business through your use of colour.

Due to the nature of this package, it is LOCAL only i.e. local to my studio in Berkshire UK.

At the end of Colour Styling for Business you will know:
The best colours to wear to compliment your skin tone and how to incorporate them into your wardrobe without throwing your current clothes away. We’ll also look at how to incorporate your newfound colours into your business clothing, to ensure you always look your confident best.


How to use your colours to show you in your best light, so you are your own Personal Brand. As an entrepreneur or ambitious career woman you are your own Personal Brand, so it’s important to make sure you always show yourself off as authentic, polished and professional.


What your Clothing Personality is and how to use it to create outfits that show off who you really are.  We want to show your audience who you are as a person and as a business woman, so your image does some of the work for you, before you even have to start your pitch.


Of more than 100 colours that will look great on you, via a colour fan for you to keep in your handbag. If it’s in your handbag, you can easily refer to it before you buy new clothing, to be sure you only spend money on items that will show you off as a professional in your industry.

Total Cost £250

All of the above, plus lunch and then a shopping trip to a local store to learn how to use your new colour fan and Clothing Personality information.  

We can also shop for a few basic items to get your new Dream Business Wardrobe started.   

Package price does not include the cost of any items purchased.

This again, is a LOCAL SERVICE ONLY i.e. local to my studio in Berkshire, UK.

Total Cost £350.00
# 3 – Special Events Package

How exciting! An excuse to get dressed up!

Do you have a special event to attend for your business?  Something that means your normal business wardrobe isn’t up to the job? Then this is the package for you!

Events or occasions could include: Awards Ceremonies, Hospitality events, Race Days, Christmas or other work party, a special PR event or even a Speaking engagement?  Basically anything where your normal business wardrobe won’t cover it!

This package includes everything you need to ensure you look and feel super confident and professional, for your event!

By the end of our work together we will:
Have found an outfit in which you will look and feel polished and professional, for your business event.


Have found all the accessories necessary to complete the outfit, including any shopping needed to purchase any new items.


Have discussed nail colours and make-up and I will have made some suggestions for you, to compliment your outfit.


Any shopping necessary to find the perfect outfit and accessories, which can be either face to face or online, depending on your location.


I am passionate about helping to make sure you have THE perfect outfit for your event!

Total Cost $475 / £350

Virtual Wardrobe
This brand new service offers you an online wardrobe, where I can:
See the items you currently own in the “Online Closet” section.   Here you can upload photos of your own clothes and accessories for me to arrange into outfits for you.


Create outfits for you for all the various meetings, events or other occasions you may have to attend as part of your business.  These will be stored in your own online “Lookbook”…I can also use new items you purchase from your Finds section, to add to your outfits.


Recommend new items, called Finds, for you that I think will add to your current wardrobe, alongside comments about why I picked it and what it will go with.   


This is a monthly membership service, and includes me putting together 3-5 outfits for you every month.   These can be sourced from your currently owned items or new items I find for you.

It also gives you the chance to ask me up to three questions per month.

Cost per month $50
Next Steps
Ready to take the next step towards having a business wardrobe that will take you to any event you need to attend?

There’s a contact form at the bottom of the page.   Fill in your name and email address and I will contact you to arrange a time that we can chat so that I can make sure we go for the right service to meet your current requirements.

Not sure which service you need? That’s no problem. Contact me and we can figure it out together’

Once we’ve had a chat, we’ll schedule in some dates and we can get on with creating your Dream Business Wardrobe!   Don’t forget to let me know if you have a specific date you need to work towards.

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I just need your name, email address & a brief idea of what you're looking for?

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Clothe Yourself In Confidence Guide

What the colours you wear say about your business.

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